Land in Bucharest, Romania


Land In Bucharest, Romania

For sale (under company: DACMORE SR)

For sale (under company: DACMORE SR)

  • Information by phone +40 374960520


    For sale Urban land with an area of 1011 sqm in documents (cadastral measurements 1028 sqm) in Bucharest, sector 5, Soseaua Samuil Vulcan no. 61.

  • Informatii la telefon +40 374960520

    De vanzare Teren intravilan in suprafata de 1011 mp in acte(masuratori cadastrale 1028mp) in Bucuresti, sector 5, Soseaua Samuil Vulcan nr. 61.

Land in Bucharest, Romania

The property is located in the South-East semicentral area of Bucharest, on Calea Rahovei in the immediate vicinity of Calea Rahovei – Progresului Street junction. The surrounding area has a mostly residential profile with blocks of flats, residential houses and commercial properties. Main landmarks in the area: Liberty Center Mall, OMV, McDonald’s Mega Image, Vulcan Value Center, AFI TechPark etc.

For sale

For sale Urban land with an area of 1011 sqm in documents (cadastral measurements 1028 sqm) in Bucharest, sector 5, Soseaua Samuil Vulcan no. 61. According to the excerpt from the Land Registry, the land is free of constructions, having the use category “yards-constructions”. The location is included in the “CB3” subzone. All the necessary documents for the sale are up to date. Based on the “Urban Planning Certificate” no. 256-V obtained on 05/23/2023, the maximum percentage of land occupation is indicated – POT maximum 70% with the possibility of covering the rest of the land in a proportion of 80% with buildings. (other information only on request). The price for this land is €800.000.

Information by phone +40 374960520

De vanzare Teren intravilan in suprafata de 1011 mp in acte(masuratori cadastrale 1028mp) in Bucuresti, sector 5, Soseaua Samuil Vulcan nr. 61. Conform extras de Carte Funciara, terenul este liber de constructii avand categoria de folosinta “curti-constructii”. Amplasamentul este inclus in subzona “CB3”.Toate actele necesare vanzarii sunt la zi. In baza “Certificatului de Urbanism” nr. 256-V obtinut in data de 23/05/2023 este indicat procentul maxim de ocupare a terenului – POT maxim 70% cu posibilitatea acoperirii restului terenului in proportie de 80% cu cladiri. (alte informatii numai la cerere). Pretul pentru acest teren este de €800.000.

Informatii la telefon +40 374960520